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Who's Girl Padjak?

Girl Padyak

Girl Padyak is me, Koko! I am a serial blogger (I have two other blogs: Koko and Everything Else and Blogger Bark), I am also a writer, a newbie entrepreneur and most of all, a biker. But don’t misinterpret, I am no PRO! I may even be the worst biker you would ever encounter: I suck climbing hills (and even humps, for that matter), I easily get tired, my legs sore easily (I can even see my knees dance once in a while during uphill climbs) and most of the time, I bike to EAT!

So yeah, I am the exact opposite of what a biker’s supposed to be.

But what I like about riding is that feeling of control and freedom! It’s a contradicting fact about riding a bicycle (any type)… You can be free as a bird, going as fast (or as slow) as you can but still be controlled (as you maneuver every hump, rock and dump along the way). It’s a stress-reliever in a way for me; and the bonus part is… I get healthier (hopefully fitter) each day!

Girl Padyak
Meet "Mang Jak"
Oh by the way, after almost three months of riding, I finally thought of a name for my bike. From now on, it will be called “Mang Jak”! Yes, you heard it right! And as for this blog, it will be filled with many adventures that Mang Jak and I would encounter and experience… every now and then, you will also get to read my “amateur” reviews of stuff related to bikes and you will get to meet plenty of fellow bikers, too! So what are we waiting for? Padyak na!

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